Commitment, Mission, & Prayer
Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is thy truth (John 17:17). Expounding Truth Ministries is the unpacking, unveiling, whole counsel of God. We are committed to speak the truth for the truth makes us free. The word is rightly divided in such a way that adults, children, and everyone in between can receive and share with others.
Expounding Truth Ministries believes the gospel must reach beyond the boundaries of a physical building. Christians are ambassadors of God chosen to setup embassies throughout the world. The embassies' mission is to represent God and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can be found live stream on the internet, podcast, television broadcast, and radio sermons.
We believe in the power of prayer. We know through the Holy Spirit lives are changed. God is worshipped in spirit and in truth. When the Holy Spirit and the word of God are activated revelation, illumination, and purpose are revealed to a believer. God is given the glory...for every praise is to our God!
Pastor Omar Thibeaux
Known for his down to earth charisma and uncompromising determination to expound the truth of the word of God,
Omar Thibeaux, through the power of the Holy Spirit, teaches biblical truths that not only inspire but also brings
change to those who have ears to hear. Pastor and founder of Philadelphia Christian Church in Lafayette, La since 2007,
Omar Thibeaux has brought hundreds to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For 7 years, Omar has
consistently preached on repentance with conviction and the saving grace that is able to redeem our souls.
Photo Slideshow:
Fall Campaign 2010
Fall Campaign 2010
Spring Campaign 2011
Rock The Block - Campaign 2013
Rock The Block - Campaign 2013
New Building Clean-up
New Building Clean-up
Thanksgiving 2011